Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 13

New pet peeve: rude people over the phone.

I had a VERY frustrating phone call just now.... and all I have to say is that the guy is lucky he didn't treat me the way he did to my face. I honestly would have picked up my chair and chucked it into his fat, ugly face.

Apart from that, the sugar fast is going strong. I eat fruit like I ate sugary treats. I just ate a whole box of strawberries.... I've been feeling really good, but I still have cravings for sugar. I'm not sure if my mood has changed much though. I feel like I've been improving, but then I keep meeting such nice gentlemen over the phone and my mood turns sour.

Anywho, Michael called me down to our basement last night because there was a new Hunger Games clip online. I raced down the stairs and scared my dogs half to death haha. All of them, even tender Luke, were barking like mad men. The clip was awesome.

9 Days until the Hunger Games comes out:

I did exactly that after I saw the clip. I'm pretty sure my cravings for Hunger Games is worse than the ones for sugar.

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